Welcome to the 2024 joint conference for the Utah Library Association and Mountain Plains Library Association!
Wifi network ULA-MPLA 2024, password ULAMPLA24
avatar for Anna Millett

Anna Millett

Spanish Fork Library
Program Coordinator
Anna is originally from Mesa, Arizona from a family of nine. She misses them and the sunlight. She has worked for the last year or so at the Spanish Fork Library planning and running programs for young children and families. She currently runs the Music and Movement storytime, and has recently helped to start an ASL signing storytime and an all-ages ukulele play-along group. She is most passionate about words and music, and spends any free time reading, writing, or playing musical instruments. She started playing the ukulele twelve years ago, taught by her grandmother, and loves to teach others how to play. She has recently been exploring, reviewing, and rating every single Sherlock Holmes adaptation ever made. (She thinks The Great Mouse Detective is the best one.) She loves Taco Bell; Billy Joel; and her lizard, Gluten-Free.
Wednesday, May 8

7:30am MDT

8:45am MDT

10:50am MDT

12:00pm MDT

3:20pm MDT

Thursday, May 9

7:30am MDT

8:00am MDT

8:15am MDT

8:30am MDT

9:40am MDT

12:00pm MDT

2:20pm MDT

4:20pm MDT

Friday, May 10

7:30am MDT

8:45am MDT

9:00am MDT

10:15am MDT

10:30am MDT

11:45am MDT

2:05pm MDT